Saturday, January 31, 2015

How to use OUJIA BOARD

Create the Ambience

Grab a few friends.
 Technically, Ouija can be played alone, but it's best to play with at least one other person. Especially if it's a dark and stormy night.
Be patient. Sometimes the board needs a minute to warm up. You may not get answers right away. Don't give up.

  • If your board seems a bit sleepy, move around the planchette lightly in a circular motion and resume.
  • Be polite. If you are speaking to a highly communicative spirit, talk to it! Be friendly. This will encourage him/her to cooperate with you.You may not get the answers you want. This is not the spirit or the board's fault. Getting angry or violent will just ruin the vibe of the game and the room.

    Start simply. It's best not to bombard your spirit with questions on the content and length of your next history exam. Start simple, like a normal conversation. 


    • Your first questions should have easy, short answers.
      • How many spirits are in the room?
      • Are you a good spirit?
      • What is your name?

    Don't ASK

    • Don't ask silly or stupid questions. "What did Billy tell his sister about me?" is not something your spirit may want to waste time on. Not to mention how long it would take to spell the answer out!
    • Don't ask for physical signs. That's just asking for trouble. What's more, those you're communicating with may not be able to follow up. It's best to keep it contained within the Ouija.
    • Don't believe everything the board tells you. If it says you're going to die in the next ten minutes, just don't go running in front of buses. That's you fulfilling the prophecy, not the prophecy being correct.

    Concentrate. To get the best, most effective results, all players need to clear their minds and focus on the question at hand.
    • Everyone playing needs to sit seriously and respectfully. If you have a friend who is laughing or encouraging ridiculous questions, kick them out of the room.
    • As the planchette moves, you may want to have one person serve as the writer. Sometimes responses get quite lengthy and need to be worked out.


    • If at anytime you get scared or feel that the session is getting out of hand, simply close the board by moving the pointer to "Goodbye" and say, "We're leaving now. Rest in peace."
    • To prevent calling a bad spirit, put a silver coin on the board. By this way, no evil spirits nor demons will bother you.
    • It will work only if your mind is open to it; don't expect an outcome if your energy is negative and not open to such things.
    • Light a single white candle. White in witchcraft is used for protection and purity; even though black is used for energy, it is also used for dark, evil, and black magic.
    • The sun and moon identify what kind of spirit is contacting you. If it comes from the sun it is good, if from the moon, it is bad. If you get a bad spirit, thank the spirit for its time and say goodbye. When the planchette lands on goodbye, it means the bad spirit is gone.
    • Before you start the session, sit in a circle, hold hands and say, "Let there be no evil forces or demons."
    • If the pointer repeatedly goes to eight, the spirit is angry. Eights are considered unlucky after "Wild Bill" Hickok's death hand of aces and eights. Somehow this superstition has found its way into Ouija lore. Don't worry about it unless you're a gunfighter and are using your Ouija board in Deadwood, South Dakota[1].
    • A lot of people may advise you that Ouija boards are a waste of money, and you're better off making your own. When making your own, you need to write: yes, no, the numbers 0-9, letters A-Z, and Goodbye. You can also add other words like maybe orsometimes to the side of the board. Of course, there's always online.

    Saturday, January 14, 2012

    Oujia game played at my friend Birthday party.

    First of all, i am really sorry guys, because the true story is hided, because of my personal reason.
    It's an fine day, me and my friends are start to prepare for the party, at that time i start to share my research about haunted home and haunting. My friend all ready know that, i have some personal experience about this. But some of my friends did not believe me and they start to make me as fun of me. After an lunch they start to make fun off me. So i start to told about an oujia board. And they ask to play, but my friend ***** told me that, i must not play that game. But i refused his  request and i start to play with the members, those who kid me.. First i start to play with my friend, who told not to play. He kept with some internal fears, because that's the first time for him, and he kept his hands in the plangent, and i start to call  an spirit which is near us, and the plangent start to move, and i ask what's your name? and say about you? and the plangent start to move. And the spirit introduce as adam, and he died in an accident, he told that he need to move out. After that the plangent came to bye. I ask that guys did you believe now, they start to refuse that we have move the plangent.
    So this time i decided to play with an friends those who did in believe about this, and he keep his hand on the plangent but he start to crack jokes again and again, so for some time we did in got any spirit. Suddenly i start to read his mind, still i don't know how i done that, because before i did in had this experience. And i start to say what he is thinking in his mind about me, all were shook and tuned at me and they start to stare at me. And i asked him shall we start the play now, and he told ok. And i start to call the spirit, this time a spirit was my friend who is keeping hand in an plangent , relative. We all were stunned, first of all the soul did in say that, my heart says that some thing as his relative, so slowly i approach my friend, and i start to ask my friend that whether in your family did u missed any body? he told yeah, then i ask the spirit where are u ri8 now? the spirit told an nice answer that he is sitting near my friend. and i ask the spirit did you know him? the soul told yes.
    Now only we got an big problem, suddenly the door has been banged and i surprised that's our another friend, but he is not an friend to me, he is an strange to me (he is already had an experience in this). But i am in the play, so we did in share about what was really going on, but i know that really i  got an big problem. And i ask the spirit to move, because nearly half an hour we are talking to the soul, but it refused it. And  the friend who came at the middle ask, why your not moving out, the soul start to injure my friend and me, its an kind of pain in our arms its very terrible. And my friend start to cry at that pain, so we start to talk about some thing to that soul. And it says that, it had an daughter, and she needs to get married. The marriage should conduct by my friend. And my friend told that sure, i will take care of your daughter and family. I ask will you please move out, the plangent did in moves at all, my friend's asked me did he moved out of this place, i told not yet. We kept calm for 5 mins, my friend start to cry in an deep throat as please move out, don't give me the pain please move of this place. Me and my friends saw that the coin circumference have been increased, this mean that the soul has lot of power. After 2 hours strategy we make the spirit to move out. And the things, what a were we used in the games was burnt by me. And i felt sorry to my friends for this game. They requested me to stop this foolish game. But still some of my friends will say that the plangent was moved by our brain auto motors. This time i did in make an open challenge to them, so i act like an foolish goose, and they are an genius ones...This is an real play, i can't mention they are name, so once again i am asking sorry to you members...

    Sunday, October 10, 2010

    From Blogger

    This blog contains of oujia or ojo board, which help us to communicate to the spirit which is at earth.
    I request you not to do this, i heard lots of DANGEROUS other than good of this board. Please don't  try this.